Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Delectable Mountain

This is a picture of a quilt called Delectable Mountain. I am making one like it. It is going to take a lot of mountain blocks, but I really like this one. My blocks won't be so brite. I will post a picture of one of my blocks soon, if I ever get my bedroom painted!


Lilly said...

Kathy, that is a really pretty quilt. Are you going to to the applique in the center? Why does this quilt remind me of the weedwacker quilt? It doesn't look anything like it. Are you going to have some kind of celebration when you get finished with your bedroom? Talk to you later.........

shereebaby said...

Kathy, Love the quilt your going to do! Its beautiful. When I first saw the pic I thought you made it & i went OH!!!! anyway get busy!

April said...

I really love that quilt...I like the bright colors...but thats just me! I cant wait to see yours when you finish it. I couldnt tell from your comment if you liked Madi's costume or not...ha ha It is pretty realistic!

LN said...

That looks REALLY pretty!! I can't wait to see yours!

LN said...

That looks REALLY pretty!! I can't wait to see yours!